Christmas Hearing Tips

When you have a hearing loss, social gatherings during the festive season can lead to challenging listening situations. Here are a few tips for how to hear the conversation and immerse yourself in the festive spirit with the best hearing possible.

If you own hearing aids, we strongly encourage you to wear them to any upcoming festivities you are attending.

1. Find a quiet corner – Avoid standing too close to loudspeakers and noisy kitchens, and find the quietest area of the room. This way it’s easier to hear conversation rather than noise.

2. See as many faces as possible – ensuring good lighting and a good sightline will allow you to see the gestures and faces of the people speaking and will help you to lipread.

3. Buddy up – Find a friend or relative who can repeat things you may not have understood, so you can feel more confident and included in the conversation.

4. Turn down the volume of background music or the television to make the general sound level as low as possible, and minimise distractions. Even though everyone loves a good Christmas carol, people won’t hear them when they’re having loud conversations.

5. Postpone dish duty – Ask your host to hold off on cleaning the dishes until everyone has left. For people with hearing loss, the clatter of kitchen dishes can distract from dinnertime conversation.

6. Help others help you – People around you may not always know how to help you in the best way – so ask for their help. It’ll make the festivities more enjoyable for everyone.

Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the person who has it. Friends and family can help, too.