Many people underestimate the impact of hearing loss, thinking of it as just a sensory problem. In reality, hearing health is vital to overall health. Taking care of your hearing can positively impact your cognitive, social-emotional, and physical well-being.

  • 2/3 of people older than age 60 have hearing loss.
  • People with hearing loss are getting hearing aids 2 years earlier than in the past

The impact of hearing loss

No matter the degree of hearing loss, it can have an impact on your social, emotional, and overall well-being. It can creep up slowly, gradually affecting your ability to communicate and connect with others. It can also impact your ability to feel safe and secure in your surrounding environment, affecting your social life and participation. Hearing well is key to overall healthy aging:

  • Hearing aid use has been reported to enable better engagement in group activities¹
  • Hearing aids improve audibility and nurture brain health
  • Hearing aid use is also related to increased work and social activity, and for women, higher self-reported physical activity.⁹

The three areas of hearing and well-being

Coming to terms with hearing loss can be difficult, but hearing rehabilitation can provide benefits to social-emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being.

Social-emotional well-being

Sometimes with hearing loss, you can feel less confident in social situations, and relationships can struggle if you need to depend on others to act as your ears. Fortunately, there are ways to address these challenges—and seeing social benefits by communicating as partners and using hearing technology.

Cognitive well-being

The ears and the brain are equal partners. Latest research suggests an association between hearing loss and cognition and that treating hearing loss with hearing aids can have a positive effect on healthy aging.

  • Treating hearing loss in older adults at increased risk for cognitive decline, can slow down loss of memory abilities.
  • Hearing aid use may maintain cognitive health.
  • Hearing better can help you think better.

Phonak recognizes the importance of fostering social participation and promoting an active lifestyle through their innovative hearing solutions. We also provide hearing care professionals with resources to foster cognitive well-being in hearing care.

Physical well-being

Improved balance, greater environmental awareness, and higher activity levels can be a few of the physical benefits of hearing aid use.

Ending the stigma

Knowing the facts and prevalence of hearing loss can help alleviate the loneliness and isolation that can accompany it.

  • About 1.5 billion people around the world are affected by hearing loss—that’s about 16% of the world’s population.
  • Around 65% of people with hearing loss experience mild hearing loss, 30% moderate, and 5% severe or profound hearing loss.
  • The majority of people with hearing loss are school age or working age.

Take control of your hearing and well-being

The early signs of hearing loss often go unnoticed – routine hearing checks are vital for healthy aging and quality of life.